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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Resolved! Any one work with RiverBed and PA intergration

I only see 1 posting regarding Ribverbed intergration and Palo Alto. Wanted to see if anyone else has had issues and what expereinces they may hav encountered. We are  currently running active/pasive on the PA when we bypass the RB all is fine with R


Resolved! API to configure OIDC identity provider

I would like to automate the configuration for an OIDC identity provider for my console application. Is there an API for OIDC IdP configuration and TLS certificate configuration for the console?

Resolved! CMDB build using API's


I tried to find an answer in this community because I don't think I'm the first person with this question...

We would like to maintain our ServiceNow CMDB using API call's to Panorama.
So, what I'm looking for the the API call to retrieve an over


Install Apps,Threat fail


PAN-OS:9.1.4;application and threat version downloads and installs, but never actually updates


I find ms.log:


2021-04-19 14:21:29.149 +0800 Error: _pan_mgmtop_content_upgrade_install_file(pan_ops_content.c:6189): error


ZhouYu by L2 Linker
  • 3 replies

Block the download of jre-xxx-.exe

I have been asked to develop a solution within our company to stop the downloading of all versions of Java (jre-8u291-macosx-x64) from anywhere on the internet as well as from internal file shares. 


 Because of the change in licensing, my company is


PA 3430 is not detecting DAC cable



We have a lab with two PA3440 ina cluster. We are connecting the interface HA with a DAC cable. The Palo detects the SFP but not the cable. If we take these SFPs and DAC cables in a PA 5220 everything is being detected. So is there any incompat


BigPalo by L4 Transporter
  • 3 replies

How to upgrade a Firewall out of support ?



We have an old PA220 for lab testing purposes. The firewall is currently running the 8.0.0 ver. We also have PA850 but in the support site I can only see the software download option for the PA850 and not for the PA220.

Can anyone tell me how



SETUP: PALO ALTO connected to ACTIVE DIRECTORY for groups
idle time-out 500minutes
timer: 600minutes

CLI> show user ip-user-mapping ip x.x.x.x

user log in to PC > mmp1234
CLI> show user ip-user-mapping ip
Ip ad


Resolved! physical m500s to VM panOS

I'm wanting to migration from physical m500s to VM panOS.

Are we able to connect a physical to VM and have HA be sync'd?

Otherwise would the recommendation be to setup new VMs has with ha, have the the FWs re-point to the new VM panorama's for manage


Credential Theft Protection and SSL Errors

I am currenlty doing a proof-of-concept test for the Credential Theft Protection feature. SSL decryption is configured and working. I can get the system to re-direct to the Anti Phishing Continue Page. However, that page uses the SSL cert associated


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