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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


How to physical link down when rollback

Hi, I am using the 5.x version of paloalto.

HA is Actvie(FW1) - Passive(FW2) configuration and use link group.

For example, failover occurs when the wan link goes down. (FW2 / Actvie)

When the wan link is up rollback.(FW1/ Actvie)  At that time, the ent


Upgrade Palo Alto via Panorama



We have 100 Palo altos firewall that we would like to upgrade via Panorama to 9.0.7, I am trying to create a group based on the prisority of upgrade to push the device>deployment >software package. 

Is there a way from Panorama 9.0.7 to create


Hani2903 by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

Paloalto home lab

Hi community,

I want to create Palo alto home lab i have  PA installed to VMware workstation on laptop. now I want to connect one interface of Palo alto to wifi and one interface to my local laptop on which Palo alto image is running so I can filter T


Resolved! AAA Server Limit

Hi all,


Do we have a similar limitation with Palo Alto Networks? If so, where can I find this information?


Increased limits for AAA server groups and servers per group.


You can configure more AAA server groups. In single context mode, you can c


akurt by L3 Networker
  • 2 replies

Resolved! Using LDAP groups with GlobalProtect

What's the magic incantation needed to use LDAP groups in the GlobalProtect Portal user/group list?  Instead of listing all umpteen dozen individual users.


I have a working GP Portal and multiple Gateway setup, using LDAP for authentication.


I have a


fjwcash by L4 Transporter
  • 4 replies

DNS Security packet flow



I'm still testing DNS Security on a lab 220 before I deploy it to production and have one major question left.


What exactly is the device doing when it receives an unknown query? The query response times are too fast for it to be sending it to th


9_volt by L0 Member
  • 0 replies

Virtual wire with Vlan trunking and vlan mapping

Hi all,


I currently have a palo alto that is connected to my switches.

The palo alto is configured as a virtual wire, and the WAN side of the palo alto is connected to VLAN 10, the LAN side is connected to VLAN11

This allows me to quickly move customer


Jumpcloud DaasS for User-ID mapping



We are currently using JC DaaS for user management. Am hoping if anybody has implement userID with JC, I get a suspicion it might not be possible. 

Group mapping via LDAP are possible, I've tested this bit.


QoS data details



I'm trying to read (and store) the QoS data (using API calls). Reading the data is working fine (for physical interface and for tunnel interface).

But I'm not sure how to interpret the data. The result was translated into xpath and value:



Panorama/GP questions

- Being in different versions of Panorama (9.0.4) and PaloAlto (8.1.13), is it possible to deploy GlobalProtect clients? It does not work and I wanted to confirm this information

- Is it possible to publish the linux version in the global protect port


BigPalo by L4 Transporter
  • 4 replies

GlobalProtect Windows Client Persistent Breaks


We have on ongoing issue with Windows users trying to use the Globalprotect client (up to 5.0.3 now) resulting in up to 30% of the clients persistently breaking with a driver issue[0] which has gone on long enough that we're considering using anot


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