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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Resolved! Login to Traps Management Service with AD User


We are going to migrate from Traps ESM to Traps Management Service.

After this, we want our helpdesk to administrate Traps, but we do not want to create a palo alto account for every user.


Now I found some information about the Palo Alto Directo


TimNie by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

Resolved! Website: is not being blocked

I'm trying to block users from going to the site:

I go to: Objects > Custom Objects > Url Catagory > Blocked Urls and then add *

Then I commit.

I waited a while, can see it inthe list but users can still reach it and use the page.


Resolved! Changing priority between eBGP and OSPF learned routes

I have an interesting problem that I haven't found a satisfying solution for. 


I have various remote sites connected via private circuit with OSPF, and then IPSec VPN with eBGP learned routes. The administrative distance of eBGP is 20, and the admini


khsieh by L2 Linker
  • 9 replies

Resolved! Pingdom & Management Profiles

Quick write here.  We currently use Pingdom to monitor external reachability to services and our remote office edge devices.  In some scenarios such as new office deployments, we may need to utilize the WAN interface to setup the device.  The problem


IP Directed Broadcast


We want to use wake on LAN in a vlan attached to a layer3 interface on the firewall. The magic packets are sent from a server outside the vlan to the broadcast address. I allowed WOL-packets in the firewall policies, and I see them in the logs,


URL filtering issue

Good day,

I have such kind of issue after PAN update to 9 version.

Here are 5 allow categories, pre-defined categories (low-risk, medium-risk, high-risk and newly-registered-domains), which I want to make alert. But after change, all of categories beca



SSL version logging

Is it possible to log the version of ssl/tls being used for decrypted sessions (inbound ssl inspection in particular)? I know we can control what versions are used in the decryption profile but is there any way to identify the specific ssl versions b


mpochan by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

EDL HTTP response code said error

Hello Community,

I have posted this question before, and was told that it is a server error, I have replaced the server but with the same error, so I thought I would post it again, could it be somthing wrong with the server configuration, or could it


Need suggestion for 2 x internet data line network design

The office has 2 internet data line. Each of them has a fix public IP address. Device is a PA-820.

I want to separate the utilization of the data line as below.


1. Office area/staff primary use 1st data line. If this line down then auto change to use


jeremylo by L3 Networker
  • 5 replies

Resolved! Suspended HA partner becomes active

We are in the process of setting up HA between two PA-5050 running PANOS 6.1.14. After configuring everything and testing failover in our main data center we performed "Suspend local device" on the passive node and shut it down to move it to our seco


Resolved! Why Destination NAT has no option for Bi Directional?

Need to understand when we do destination nat why there is no option for bidirectional ?


For destination nat the return traffic comes without bi directional option not available due to the PA being stateful and matching

the session?

MP18 by Cyber Elite
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