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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Resolved! excluding threats from TAP allerting?

We have a TAP interface listening to a number of vlans (internal and external)


We get a lot of noise in our allerts from threats we would prefer not to get alerted on.


For example, presently "SipVicious"  scans are occuring all the time to what are a


MineMeld and ELK

Hi all,


I'm having some trouble parsing MineMeld events into Logstash, and then into ELasticSearch. Does anyone have any resources available for this kind of set up? by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

Bad Gateway Error - Minemeld Not Running

Hi All,


My Minemeld instance seemed to randomly break and I'm not sure why. When I try to login I get a bad gateway error and the EDL URL's give the same message. Here are some log snippets:




2018-05-11T06:25:45 (4222)base.s


password policy has locked out the admin

Is there a way to have an email warning if a password is going to expire?  One of our palo alto (which is stigged) has locked every user out.  This includes the emergency and admin accounts.  I guess, now the only way to get back in is to to in via t


Missing ikemgr.log

I wanted to delete the ikemgr.log.old, however, I deleted the ikemgr.log

Now no vpn logging is available anymore. I already restarted the management plane. No luck.

Does somebody know what to do?

Gerben by L0 Member
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Resolved! adding more than one UIA agent on firewall?

Hi Techies,


I have a small doubt whether I can add more than one UIA server in my firewall in the sense that they should behave kind of active passive .


Requirement is something like that I want to secure user id functionality on firewall so that if


Any Any Rule

Many times I have seen that engineers used to allow any rule during troubleshooting and forget to remove which creates problem in audit and compliance check, is there any option so that engineers should configure rule with any in source/destination/p


SumitB by L1 Bithead
  • 2 replies

Controling East-West traffic without NSX


In a "Supported Deployments on VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi)" section of the documentation (


Resolved! Slow downloads from Non-US sources

Short version: large downloads from Non-US sources are slow. 
The file I'm attempting to download is the ISO found here from Bacula: 


I have a sister firewall at another


Nathan.S by L3 Networker
  • 3 replies

Resolved! Panorama 8.0 Managing Firewalls on PANOS 7.1

We are looking at upgrading Panorama to V8.0 to give us the ablity of perform individual commits, the firewalls will remain on V7.1 for the time being.

Because V8.0 has so many new features what would happen if an admin configures a feature not suppor


Global Protect disconnect issue

3000 series FW, software 6.0.1, GP 2.0.1 -- GP continually disconnects/reconnects.. tried reinstalling client, rebooting, etc.. happens with some users at random times..then the issue will magically go away.  Anyone else experience?

rrau by L3 Networker
  • 8 replies

Resolved! User-ID and GlobalProtect User Access

Currently I have 2 HA'd 3020 on 8.0.0 code. I have SSL vpn setup using globalprotect with LDAP. Also having implemented User-id for policy access.


All this is working.


My problem is, when users access the network over globalprotect. Those users miss


k.truex by L1 Bithead
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