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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Global Protect disconnect issue

3000 series FW, software 6.0.1, GP 2.0.1 -- GP continually disconnects/reconnects.. tried reinstalling client, rebooting, etc.. happens with some users at random times..then the issue will magically go away.  Anyone else experience?

rrau by L3 Networker
  • 8 replies

Resolved! User-ID and GlobalProtect User Access

Currently I have 2 HA'd 3020 on 8.0.0 code. I have SSL vpn setup using globalprotect with LDAP. Also having implemented User-id for policy access.


All this is working.


My problem is, when users access the network over globalprotect. Those users miss


k.truex by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Query on GlobalProtect SSL VPN



I’ve got a single public IP address, which is used for GlobalProtect SSL VPN. I also want use this single public IP address to allow inbound static NAT to a SSL web server on my LAN. 


Using GP 4.0.5


When I do this, the GlobalProtect SSL VPN cl


Farzana by L4 Transporter
  • 1 replies

Custom output node

Hi Guys,


I am creating a custom output node and i want to ask if there are and instructions for it. i know how to create extention but i dont know how to add the UI features into extention and package it properly so minemeld can import it.


any he


Resolved! Panorama 8.0 Commit changes

We recently upgraded our Panorama M-100 to 8.0.9.  After doing so, we now see these commit options:


I've always been very weary of centralized firewall management after seeing a coworker push a bad config before to multiple devices.  I'm a bit hesita



Resolved! Destination vs Source Nat

I have a pretty good understanding of the difference between SRC and DST Nat, but there is one area that I could use some clarification on.


With SRC NAT, I understand that by selecting BI-Directional, it allows an IP to be translated to an outside ad


Aperture - Exchange quarantining

Hey guys,

Wonder if you guys can quarantine in exchange? Currently for both admin and user, it states not currently available for exchange and others (e,g Servicenow, etc).

Any of you guys use Aperture for Exchange? I was hoping to have at least malwar


YutFu by L0 Member
  • 0 replies

Permit user access to a specific URL failed

Dear all,

I want to permit HRT members access a recruitment website called "". I create a security rule permit them to access a URL_category named "HRT_recruitment".

In "HRT_recruitment" category I added "*.vietnamworks.*" a


Hongson by L2 Linker
  • 2 replies

Speedtest-drop when pass through PA-5220

Hi Expert , 


I would like to know today I have speedtest  and found  when test  client  that pass through speed drop for example  client A test speedtest  pass through firewall result down 500/mbit : up 900/mbit  but when client B Test Speed Directio


Diffrent Customer, and One Vsys

Hello all brothrs,

We working on a big project and i have this question plz:

we have a case wich we have 1 vsys but a diffrent customer, i need to give every customer an access to this Vsys, but every customer mustn't see the configuration of another c


Resolved! Certificate creation - unable to export CSR



I'm trying to generate a CSR for a new security certificate for one of my firewalls.


I can generate the CSR just fine. it shows int he certificate list as "pending". Which is what I expect.


What I can't do it export the CSR. I select it, click


darren_g by L4 Transporter
  • 3 replies

Resolved! Panorama deployment in active standby


Have a basic question about two panorma devices which are going to be in active standby in the same rack.

Is below config supported on Panorama? Eth1 will be enabled for all functions besides management and Eth2 will act as its backup


josggf by L2 Linker
  • 2 replies

Resolved! PAN-OS 8.x Clone Policy default order

Hi Community,


I noticed, that upgrading to 8.x changed the default behavior for cloning policies.

On PAN-OS 7.1 after cloning the policy, the default behavior was to move the new policy after the cloned one.


On PAN-OS 8.x the policy is moved to top by


Chacko42 by L4 Transporter
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