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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Vulneability SQL Injection



we have done some Vulnerability assessment on firewall with PAN-OS version 7.1.8 version. And found below vulnerability for which we are not able to find CVE or solution. Help me to find a solution for below:


Vulnerability : CGI Generic SQL Injec


using cli to enter x509 certs

Trying to use

set template TemplateName config shared certificate "CertName" public-key "xxx



I am getting it from a show template . but the string value is multiline so when i try and copy and paste. it fails on the second line


How do I work around t


Panorama templates and Device Group Push

Can someone point to the documentation on the things panorama will push and what you need to do on the local devices that panorama wont push? I have noticed a few things today like interface states, I set my interfaces from down to auto in Panorama a


Citrix Offloading


I'm having several problems with suddenly disconnections between users and xenapp citrix through PAN. Looking some information about that I think that is related about ASIC treatment of traffic... Is possible turn offload traffic only for citrix t...

nanukanu by L2 Linker
  • 2 replies

Resolved! Total Application Time

I'm trying to figure out the total application time of some specific applications. For example, for the last 7 days I'd like to know for a particular subnet how much time was spent on YouTube. Is this possible? So I'm looking for something to tell me


tacacs accounting

kind of stuck looking for the place to set up accounting to send to the tacacs server, anyone else seen this or just used panorama for the logging?

WF-500 - 7000 files\day? That is really the limit?


According to wf-500 wildfire appliance document the machine supports 7000 files per day.
In my organization the machine actually scan more then 15,000 per day so how this is really work?
I see that the memory is always around 75% but the Cpu is only...

Erez by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

Traps local analysis behavior



Last week we had a problem with TRAPS. We have ESM in the cloud, and we have traps agents in diferente sites. One of these sites had a problem with the internet, so traps could not contact the cloud. The case is that we have executables that trap


Global Protect Authentication



I've a scenario where the authentication methods needs to be different for some users connecting via Global Protect. Basically two options needs to be supported:


  • Certificate + username/password (LDAP) – Internal users
  • Username/password (LDAP) + 2F

Panorama push failed

Is there a way to re-import a config from a device already managed? My device template and firewall local configs are all out of sync and i cant even figure out how to delete some stuff in panorama or local device, I have a template created and tried


Adult category not being blocked



We have a PA in 8.0.3, we have blocked adult URL category in this FW. WE are expecting that users can see adult webs.


For example: If a user tries to go to, the main web is showed properly, but when user clicks on a video or any part



Integrate Traps into PaloAlto Firewall


1-i wanna know how i can integrate Traps into PaloAlto Firewall ??

2-Traps work indepently from PaloAlto firewall or we must integrate to it ?

3-ESMCore_x64 that means "Ems Server" ??


Thanks a lot in advaced


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