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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Resolved! Does PBF work across different virtual routers?

Does PBF work across different virtual routers?


i.e Will a PBF rule work if the incoming packet is received on an interface associated with one virtual router, and the rule tells it to go out an interface associated with a different virtual router?




CMG by L2 Linker
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Strange problem with Matlab Software/ Update:Stunnel

Hi guys,

I have a really strange problem.


We are using the Matlab Network Version on a Windows PC.

When Matlab is starting, it connects via tcp port 27000 to the license server.

I created a custom app called "matlab" with tcp port 27000-27001.

Then I cre


MPI-AE by L4 Transporter
  • 14 replies

Resolved! Global Protect redundancy

Hello Experts


I have two ISP links. How can I make Global Protect connection redundant, means if ISP1 is down then it will connect to ISP2. 





GlobalProtect registry and script settings

Can anyone help with the GlobalProtect script settings.

I'm trying to set up a post-vpn-connect script.

I've added the registry entries and added the comment string.


My question is more around the value, the example given is "c:\users\test_user\post_vp


Migration from PA3020 to VM-200



I'm facing a migration process from PAN-3020 with two vsys (vsys1 and vsys2) to VM-200 without vsys. I'm trying to use Migration Tool but I'have problems with migrating objecst - addresses, services because they are under vsys1, vsys2 and shar


pkmiec by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

Failed to add correlation object 601x

This morning, I've received the following alerts from both of our PA-3050 firewalls:


Failed to add correlation object 6011

Failed to add correlation object 6012

Failed to add correlation object 6013

Failed to add correlation object 6014

Failed to add cor


Resolved! What PAN-OS version is support currently recommending?

What PAN-OS version is PAN support currently recommending for active/passive PA-3050s?  Last I checked (a few months ago), it was 7.0.8.  We're currently running this version, but it has a minor bug that is impacting us.  We were told by support a fe


What's new in MineMeld 0.9.28

Release Date: 2016-11-16


How to update: Updating MineMeld



- stability and performance improvements in most of the Miners



- new authentication and authorization mechanism for output feeds. Disabled by default for consistency with previo


Screen Shot 2016-11-16 at 12.49.48.png
Screen Shot 2016-11-16 at 12.54.53.png
Screen Shot 2016-11-16 at 12.54.30.png
lmori by L7 Applicator
  • 0 replies

Error reading last checkpoint

Hi everyone,


I am facing an issue that floods my output SIEM a little to often. The issue seems to be that the miner node is unable to register where it left of during the last check. Any tips on solving this?


2016-11-14T08:54:30 (17269)base.read_che...

Forseti by L1 Bithead
  • 5 replies

Resolved! Check error on interface



I was playing around with CLI and typed the command:

>show system state filter sys.s1.* | match crc


Then got this details:
sys.s1.p5.detail: { 'bad_crc': 0x157352, 'fragments_pkts': 0x1247, 'mac_rcv_error': 0x228b09, 'pkts1024tomax_octets': 0x13e0f


MineMeld Docker

I started building out a very simple dev (read: unhardened) docker build for MineMeld here:


Looks like it won't start up correctly inside a container and I think it might be related to the use of UNIX soc


rsyslogd dependencies problem

Hi Luigi,


I was testing stdlib.localSyslog to correlate paloalto logs with indicator following this article


But I was unable to make it work. After a


uam by L1 Bithead
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