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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


URL Filtering and youtube sharing links

We have some users the receive sales videos from vendors youtube pages. These vendors are using the built in youtube "Share" button.

Our url filtering allows for the full access to youtube but any link from the youtube "share" button gets blocked as


UserID from 2 separate logs?

Anyone already have a fix for this:

Our wireless environment authenticates via a Juniper UAC that logs the username/MAC addy.  The IP address is then issued buy an InfoBlox server that logs MAC/IP address.

I've been advised to combine the logs somehow


Custom APP based on existing


I have a policy that block phpproxy application for security reason.

There is a web site (shop tab) is blocked because some request are recognised as phpproxy application.

I'd like to build an application that allow phpproxy


Global Protect Client Not connecting to correct gateway

our setup is like we have configured all gateways under same priority issue we are facing is global protect client is getting connecting to wrong gateway.

It is not getting connected to gateway near to user location. I read that based on SSL response


Monitor License expiration through SNMP


I manage several PaloAlto Firewall, different models and PanOS versions, through SNMP. They actually sent via "pangeneraltrap" an alarm about License Expiration one month before it, but I want to know if is it possible to monitor or check the "D


SOC_CSG by L4 Transporter
  • 3 replies

About icmp-shell tool and ping-tunnel app-id


I want to watch ping-tunnel app-id on traffic logs. So I tried icmp-shell tool generated traffics and then went through FW.

But These traffics showed icmp app-id.

First, What should I do to seeing ping-tunnel app-id?

Second, Is it impossible to u


Resolved! NCAA March Madness 2015

Will Palo Alto update the NCAA2014-Flash, -MML and -Video applications for 2015?  Hoping to get these BEFORE the tournament starts.


syseng by Not applicable
  • 4 replies

6.1.2 LSVPN/VPN Hang - Reboot Required

I am having some issues as well with 6.1.2 and LSVPN to hub which is on 6.0.5h3.  This is vaguely referenced here by others Anyone use 6.1.2? Is it stable where everyone affected, says yeah there's this IPSEC issue and never actually describes what t


PA2050 en PanOS 6.1.x

Hey All,

Anyone has a PA2050 running 6.1.x and see an improvement in commit times relative to PanOS 6.0.x?

Or do the added features just slow down the MGMT plane even more?

We have one running in the lab, but since no real traffic is going over it, it


mr.linus by L4 Transporter
  • 1 replies

Cannot view software update on support portal

Hi Guys,

Did you ever experienced the below:

When our customer tried to access software update page on their support portal they saw 'no software updates found'

Does this mean the account doesn't have access to the software info?




MelLi by L2 Linker
  • 2 replies

IP region assignment

PA 500 running PANOS 6.1.2

We have regional blocks in place that block inbound traffic originating from non-US IP's. However, we have discovered a bit of a dilemma.

We have found that an IP such as originates from Ireland and geomaps as s


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