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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


GP prompts for internal gw connectivity

Hi all,


I've deployed a GlobalProtect installation solely for the purpose of User-ID. The GP agent connects to the internal portal/GW (one box) upon login with Kerberos SSO. However, when the internal gateway is not reachable (user has no network, us


GP GW Prompt.png
Arne-VDH by L3 Networker
  • 12 replies

Resolved! API - Manage Users for VPN access

Hello Community,


i'm currently planing a project which should be able to control the VPN user access via the API.

It should be a simple tool where you just need to click a single button. The tool then activates or deactivates the user for that VPN via


JustAGuy by L1 Bithead
  • 3 replies

Resolved! TCPDUMP execution



I have to do a TCPDUMP to test the communication of my Active Directory because a have a problem with the User-ID service. 


I have read the documentation and I don't understand when says that the TCPDUMP captures the traffic that traverses th


iscott by L2 Linker
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Static Route Path Monitoring Clarification



Let's say a scenario where I have a default route configured to go out interface 2 with a Metric of 10


Then I have another static route to go out interface 3 with metric of 5. On this route I setup path monitoring to ping an ip address that is ac


Resolved! NCAA 2020 App-ID

Is there any timeframe for when the new NCAA app-id's released for March Madness?  I found the 2017 app-is signatures, and a link for the 2018 signatures but was not able to access the files.

Global Protect Sign Out function

Running PanOS 8.1.1 & GlobalProtect Agent 5.1.0 & connect method Pre-logon (Always On)


When connected and authenticated to my VPN from an external network - all is good.  I can restart with a connection to my internal WiFi and my VPN connection shows


Whys is Passive peer still passing traffic?

When I go to Monitor > Session Browser I still see active connections on the pasive peer.  I verified it is truly the passive firewall and the other is active and that its supposed to be in Active/Passive mode in the HA configuration.   Running the s


Resolved! Panorama Integration with PA HA



I am new to Palo Alto and want to do Palo Alto integration with our Panorama. need some guidelines for the same. and do we need to break HA for this process? Let me know if any other inputs.

BK0007 by L2 Linker
  • 4 replies

5200 upgrade from 8.1.5 to 9.0.6 and HA2 won't come up

Perform an upgrade from 8.1.5 directly to 9.0.6 yesterday on A/P pair of 5250.  The HA2 link won't come up on 9.0.6


This is from TAC,


Check the pan_dha.log in dp0-log and dp1-log for this error,


I was able to see the following errors that explain as 


Floating mangement IP for firewall

Hi All,

Can we setup floating management IP so that I can always login to active device ?


We do have option by setting management profile for interface, but looking for an option if we can set it up via management interface .



deepak12 by L3 Networker
  • 4 replies

Resolved! Set up the HA ports to function as data ports


We have a shortage in Ethernet ports on a Paloalto firewall

I would like to ask if it is possible to change a dedicated HA port to a data port (Layer3, Layer2...)? I know it is possible to change the type of a data port  to an HA port.

Thanks for yo


aliomar by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

Resolved! How to limit youtube usage

We are using PA-3050 and would like to know how to limit Youtube usage to a certain Active Directory group (students) to 200mb per day.


Please outline the steps.

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