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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


OID for PA 850

Hi Team 


please advise if there is any link to refer for IOD for PA 850 , the below link shows information for OID of all the models but not for PA 850


Rameshwar by L3 Networker
  • 1 replies

Resolved! No of User ID agents for HQ and sites

Hi All


My network topology is like I have HQ with PA-7050 firewall and 3 domain controllers in HQ. I have 22 branches with local domain controller in each branch and firewall is PA-3050.


Now I want to deploy user-ID agent, In my scenario what is the


using HTTPS external dynamic lists

Dear All,


We are using the version 7.1 and would like to use HTTPS external dynamic lists.

But it doesn't seem to work. Is there any additiontal required config to enable this?


I believe it requires a username and password for list access from the ver


Bomi by L1 Bithead
  • 2 replies

Normal behavior of LACP in passive/active HA setup.



I would just like to verify the normal behavior of LACP in an Active/Passive HA setting.


Currently we have a pair of PA-3060 running 6.1.10 in active/passive. Both devices have LACP bundles towards a Cisco router.

On the active firewall the LACP n


Timeout value of user-ID log


We are using ldap authentication and globalprotect.

In the above picture, the timeout value continues to be 2592000 and 0


time out 2952000 and 0 , what does that mean?


Why does it look like above?


Please let me know.







jskang by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

NAT and security policies

Hi all.  I am trying to setup a ADFS environment in our network.  The actual ADFS server is located in the internal LAN, and the ADFS Web Application proxy is reside in the DMZ; internal LAN and DMZ is in a different VLAN.  

The goal is to send user a



Can we group EDLs?

Once the url is fetched and content is read by the firewall and later the url is deleted, does firewall keep the cache of contents?

can firewall detect redundant entries?

Manage client SSL VPN use

Hi PAN Community,


I work for a school and we have issues with student VPN use - specifically x-vpn, hotspot shield etc. We have rules in place that take care of the proxies and standard VPN applications and have SSL decryption and URL blocks in place


New VM-100 throws error at commit


We have imported a config from a PA500 into a newly installed VM-100 v8.1 (under vmware).  After having done some VLAN changes to interfaces, we suddenly started to get the below error message when committing:



Can someone point us in the correct d



Resolved! content update

I have this question and cannot find the answer from the online training:


Which type of content update does NOT have to be scheduled for download on the firewall?


I think it is PAN-DB updates but I just need to make sure.

Resolved! Where do you track your certification progress?

Hi all,


I thought you'd want to be able to list your certifications and their expiry dates and any relevant announcements, so you could plan your further study, re-certification...

Also, employers ask about cert updates.

Couldn't find it myself.

Other t


GAleksic by L1 Bithead
  • 3 replies

Resolved! To drop or deny

I found some best practices documentation on the fuel group site and they recommend drop over deny.  So I would be interested to see how people are configuring their fire wall more drops or denies and why?

jdprovine by L4 Transporter
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