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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Application Risk level

What happens when you change an application risk number from a 5 to a 1? Does this just change the read out of your risk level or does it change the way the firewall acts on the application?

jdprovine by L4 Transporter
  • 4 replies

Schedules expired

Hi Community


I see when the schedule policy has expired the rule continue as a enable rule but It doesn´t work because the rule has expired,

Can you tell me how I can find the expired schedules?, is it possible to configure somehow when the rule has e


ftrimino by L0 Member
  • 3 replies

High Available address unable to ping



So I have a active/active cluster.

I have a highly available ip on vlan 80 I also have on the same interface.


from I can't ping, from I can't ping is the dgw for 10.33.8


Blocking Bittorrent

Hi Everyone,


Is there a way to limit the sessions on bittorrent with Palo Alto ?


You can only enable a session limiter based on a service, but not on an application i think?


Anyone has some suggestions ?


Goal-> Limit bittorrent traffic. Users


Resolved! Source User Missing. Device has User Mappings.

I'm sure this is probably a rookie mistake, but I have to ask...


I've set up our Meraki access points to syslog to my PA500 firewall.  I'm successfully getting user-id to IP address mappings (I can see them in the output of "show user ip-user-mapping


Resolved! QoS: why is it capped at 1 Gbps?

Is it a physical limitation, or a software limitation?


The PA-3020 has gigabit ports, which can be combined into aggregate interfaces that support multi-gigabit combined throughput.  However, it you enable QoS on an aggregate interface, no matter how


fjwcash by L4 Transporter
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Google Hangouts audio-video detecting as STUN

I am noticing an issue were clients are using Google Hangouts, but the APP-ID is detecting the session as STUN over UDP/TCP port 19302-19309, instead of the APP-ID signature of google-hangouts-audio-video.  Has anyone else noticed this behavior?




log snapshot.JPG

Resolved! Deleting Aggregate Interface

Good Morning,


can someone verify that the following command is correct for removing an aggregate-ethernet interface?


          delete network interface aggregate-ethernet ae1 layer3 units ae1.82


I am a litte leary of implementing this command due to


global protect multiple portal issue

We want to configure Portal level redundancy in Global protect .If we bind 2 IPs of 2 different location firewalls to our portal address then how does clinent interpret the DNS resolution .after how much time client will try on another system 

NIRAVK9 by L1 Bithead
  • 13 replies

ASK: GP with 2 network access

Hi All,

Anyone have tried to create 2 network access within PAN-GP on PANOS 6.1?

So, basically I want to create 2 PAN-GP Profile, one with split-tunnel, another one without split tunnel.


Already read some article, said that I'll need PAN-GP license and


Customer Account Personal Email

I bought a pa-220 for my own personal lab through my employer's pa vendor and I would prefer not to use my company email account just in case I were to leave my company. If that would happen, a year from now when my licenses expire, I won't be able t


Routing via PBF vs OSPF

I’m working on an implementation for about 15 branch offices where my organization is replacing an inconsistently-configured mix of SonicWALL and PA hardware with mostly PA-220’s. Each office has a Metro-Ethernet connection (100 Mbps at branches and


locampo by L2 Linker
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