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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Resolved! Authentication seems to be the most difficult task....

No matter how many articles I read or follow I can never get the authentication to work for LDAP. I create the LDAP server profile, create the Auth Profile, then the Auth Seq, add the user account to admins and assign the profile to that user and it


AD group.PNG

Resolved! Panos 8 inbound ssl inspection



I have tried to turn this on and well...


My server site has server cert and 1 intermediary cert.

With decryption on it strips the int-ca from the reply ? I find that rather strange why it would do that.

So this makes any request to that site fail




Syslog-ng issue

I have a Kiwi Syslog-ng server reachable from Palo Alto Firewall MGMT interfaces. I generated a Self-signed Cert on PA Firewall and imported that into Windows' store for use in Secure TCP (SSL) communication in kiwi Syslog Server....but the firewall


Activate logging

I can't view in my Kiwi Syslog the traffic from my outside interface.
In my PA-500 I've enabled SNMP in Device -> Management ->Management Interface Settings -> Permitted SNMP Service.
In Operations -> SNMP Setup -> activeted Use Event-Specific Trap


s_quasar by L3 Networker
  • 7 replies

Resolved! Question about Virtual Router and Policy Based Routing

Hi All,


We are currently doing the migration from ASA 5550 to PA5020. We have totals of 4 interface in our environment.


In ASA the routing is handle by Static route and pretty straight forward.


As for Palo Alto, should I combine all the static route



Microsoft glitch


anyone aware of  Minemeld downloading a blank FQDN file then passing it to Palo Alto?


for ofcie365, for whatever reason Minemeld is unaware that Microsoft has a glitch and the FQDN file is blank.


Would either Minemeld or the Palo Alto’s have a


PA-VM Cannot ping eth1/2 internal interface

Hi Guys,


I am running a PA VM with a VM-100 license on vmware workstation 12.5. 


I have the mgmt interface bridged to my network and can access the PA GUI, CLI and the internet. 


For my internal interface i have setup eth 1/2 to vmnet3 and unchecked



File blocking in windows shares

Hi Guys,

Please need your support in blocking files when clients tries to copy files from local system to a shared folder on a server.

I want to just allow text files and block all other files from being copied from local to remote server.



mahmoodm by L3 Networker
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Decrypt inbound inspection and panorama



I can't seem to configure inbound decryption because I need to select a cert, but there is nothing in the drop down list !


is it just me ?


Certs are kept in templates not device groups so seems a bit strange .



Palo Alto Forward Proxy?

We presently leverage a fwd-proxy solution that a selection of hosts (2000-3000) on various networks pass through in order for us to funnel them to a few IP's and enforce a more STRICT URL policy at the perimeter. The hosts are managed through GPO.




Web Advertisement URL Filtering

I have enabled URL filtering to block web advertisements, but it looks really bad cosmetically on the users end when they get to a web site where the advertisement should be there is big texted block page. Anyway we can eliminate the block page for w


Using file blocking and wildfire profiles together

Hi Guys,


Please can someone explain me why we would use the file blocking profile as well as the wildfire profile on the same security rule.

What i understand is that once the file is blocked then no need to send it for the wildfire analysis..Please c


mahmoodm by L3 Networker
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