General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


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JayGolf by Community Team Member
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where I can order my shirt of paloalto networks

omar by Not applicable
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Resolved! Two client account on one PC


Each users have two and four accounts in their office.

All account are authenticated by Active-Directoy.

Each users use several accounts on one PC at the same time.

For example,

Mr, A has 'AAA' account and 'aaa' account.

He uses 'AAA' account when co


Resolved! Custom report via Panorama using XML-API


I am trying to create a custom report via Panorama and then retrieving the report data using the XML APIs.

I am using the following XML-API URL to create a custom report.

https://<Panoram IP>/api/?type=config&action=set&key=<KEY>&xpath=/config/share


Resolved! Get FQDN table using XML-API?

Does anyone know if it's possible to get the current FQDN table (CLI> request system fqdn show) using the XML-API?  We recently had an issue where a bad FQDN mapping was retrieved and I want to set up monitoring to catch it if it happens again.

User-ID Agent & Desktop PowerManagment

We have User-ID agent setup and running, Where it polls the machines every 20 minutes, to track the users.

Since we are now trying to implement Power management on the Desktop. It appears that the USER-ID agent system is waking the machines up. Has an


nat with port forwarding issue (migrating from MS-TMG)


when migrating rules from MS-TMG to PAN i have encountered folowing situation:

a. web server A is in private dmz zone

b. web server B is in inside zone

Both are listenig on port 80. Problem is in the fact that both are published on the same public IP


agrgic by L1 Bithead
  • 3 replies

Resolved! Blocking Spotify P2P function

We want to allow the use of Spotify for our clients, but Spotify does not only download files, but it also shares files through P2P to other users of Spotify.

We wish to only allow download/streaming, and we wish to block the P2P upload feature.



Resolved! User ID Mapping Directly to Firewalls

Good afternoon,

Previously we used the PAN-UID perl module to update User ID Agents running on servers, which would in turn update the firewalls.

With version 5.0, there is not this capability:

2.9 User-ID mapping

Beginning with PAN-OS 5.0.0, you can ap


Resolved! what do people search ?


Is there a way to track especially google searches from url filtering ?

From url filtering logs it cannot be seen the same url as a person visit when searches for a word.

we need search stats

panos by L6 Presenter
  • 6 replies

Unknown Application Packet Capture


I want know about Unknown packet capture.

Q1. Where is unknown pcap stored?

[Device] > [Setup] > [Management] > [ Logging and Reporting Settings]

App Pkt Capture ?

Q2. I want know Unknown Pcap Usage.

Q3. When is capture unknown packet in PA packet flo


smaekawa by Not applicable
  • 2 replies

Resolved! Captive portal not redirecting for some users

Hi there

We've just enabled Captive Portal for all of our users but I'm getting a small number of users who are simply not being redirected to the captive portal to authenticate. I've noticed that Safari on Mac is a common theme but there are a number


Domain is pointed as Malware


today we had a suspicious DNS Query  warning because we tried to reslove a domain (

So Palo Alto gets information about domains and checks some information about these domeains.

My questions about this:

1/ What is PA using  to decide w


wolfrene by Not applicable
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