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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Resolved! file blocking continue page issue


I am using PANOS 4.0.3, and have created a file blocking profile object with action = continue , this should then prompt the user while downloading and on clicking continue, the user should be able to go to download the exe, etc...

The issue i am h


Global Protect Client with OTP

Can the GPC be configured to prompt me for the password when attempting to connect?

I'm using RSA tokens but I having real trouble trying to get GPC to work properly with out a fixed password.

I'm not sure how I managed it but at one point I did get a


PThomas by Not applicable
  • 1 replies

4.1.0 release - should I wait?

How stable?  How tested?  Is this mostly incremental changes on the inside?  The mentioned improvements to the management performance have me very interested, but when I went from 3.x -> 4.0 we had nothing but problems due to a few bugs.

I'm now upgra


bradenmcg by L3 Networker
  • 1 replies

Resolved! GlobalProtect and iPad Configuration

Now that PAN OS 4.1 supports IOS devices connecting to a GlobalConnect gateway is there any change the nice people at Palo Alto will put up some documentation on how to get this configured?

Many thanks


djrodb by L3 Networker
  • 6 replies

PAN Agent 4.1 Setup Guide

Does anyone have a good step by step guide on setting up the 4.1 Pan Agent? The admin guide wasn't much help. I'm getting a no certificate error in the monitor logs of the Agent. Thanks,

Resolved! VWire interfaces down

I am in the process of setting up a new implementation and have not reconfigured from a base install yet other than to set up HA.

I plugged in Ethernet1/1 and Ethernet1/2 to a switch across the room, while running the cables I lost track of which was


jcostello by L4 Transporter
  • 3 replies

Producing an application usage graph?

Is there a way to produce a graph of the usage of a particular application?

Bytes or sessions would be acceptable, I just want to be able to show a rough usage trend over the course of a day/week.


Getting crazy with Ipsec-tunnel

Hello everyone,

i'm trying a couple of days to establish an IPsec-tunnel to my amazon VPC with our PA-500.

I can do what ever i want the tunnel will not get up. The log file said:

2011-10-31 14:11:06 [DEBUG]: ikev1.c:1427:isakmp_ph1resend(): resend phas


How to configure a Cisco ASA behind PA2050 with public IP


I'm trying to figure out how to configure our PA2050 to point one of our public IPs in a /25 block to a Cisco ASA 5510 behind it. We're using both the PA's SSL VPN and the ASA's SSL VPN so I'd like to plug the ASA into port 2 on the PA2050


mhoush by Not applicable
  • 5 replies

App Scope Times Wrong

I upgraded our PAN-500 to 4.01 today and now all of the times in the App Scope Monitors (Network, Threat, etc) are off by 4 hours.  The Log times are all correct.

For instance, it is now 18:22 according to the Device page on the PAN (which is correct)


Per host QoS

Hi there.

I've played with different QoS setups. And currently I'm trying to set up a per host based QoS or BW shaping.

My QoS profile is as following:

Class 3, Min BW: 2Mb/s MaxBW:3Mb/s

Class 4, Min BW: 1Mb/s MaxBW:2Mb/s

QoS policy is:

#1 SrcZone: Inside,


atea_svg by Not applicable
  • 4 replies

Auto-enable youtube safety mode?

We are looking at opening up YouTube to our general user base, but do not want to push out a policy that would enable safety mode. I'd like to have a URL filtering continue and override page where the user could click on the continue button, which wo


issues accessing urls even though whitelisted


I am having problems troubleshoot access to when i try to login,(

I have allowed *.barclays.* on the url filtering profil


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