General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


PAN OS vulnerability

I have a Palo Alto (PA-5220) HA pair with software running (SW: 9.0.9-h1, Global-protect version: 5.1.3). I found below vulnerabilities are affecting the current PAN OS. I am planning to upgrade it. Could you please suggest the best recommended softw


GlobalProtect license usage

is there a way to check GP license usage on the firewall? Our firewall license should allow  2000 GP connections but we would like to see how many are used at this time.


Thanks in advance.

Customer Experience Day is a great day to celebrate YOU!

October 6th is Customer Experience (CX) Day, so the LIVEcommunity wants to celebrate you! 


Tell us:

  • Who has helped you along your customer journey in the LIVEcommunity or at Palo Alto Networks? Was it a community member? 


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LIVEcommunity Celeberating CX Day.png
jennaqualls by Community Team Member
  • 17 replies

Can't access website from browser on home wifi

My company started to use global protect, but it gives me an issue. I can access any website normally in the office, however, at my home, I can only access certain websites such as Facebook or Apple, other websites such as Google and the company's in


eljirg by L1 Bithead
  • 7 replies

Gemalto with Paloalto



I want to configure two-factor authentication for the device administrator.

Example:- If any admin login in the firewall. the first authentication should be Active directory and the second authentication should be Gemalto.


If it is possible ple


Resolved! Data center firewall design?

Hi All,

I have couple question in mind when I’m think about implementation PAN firewalls in Data center design. In reviewing design guide “Designing Networks with Palo Alto Networks Firewalls”, mostly where described perimeter firewall with upstream u


Tician by L3 Networker
  • 11 replies

Resolved! Static routing question

I'm managing Pan's on a daily basis, just basic stuff: creating policies, monitoring etc. but routing is something I never had to do before, so I hope I can get a little help from you out here. It would be really appreciated !

We are in the process of


Slager by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Tools and Techniques to Speed ASA to PAN Migration

I wondered if the community could advise on any methods to migrate configuration from a Cisco ASA 5525 to PAN 3220. 

Are there any tools that could assist? Just being able to migrate objects and object groups we be a big help. I only have about 100 ac


palomed by L3 Networker
  • 3 replies

Blocking Amazon Sample music

Is there a way of blocking the sample tracks on Amazon.

We are seeing students at our school playing the 30 second clips of explicit songs.

This can be a problem in a classroom!


Certificate error on GP access

Dear Team,


I am facing the issue certificate error while accessing the GP portal. below is the screenshot.


Below is the troubleshooting steps:-

Generated a new self-signed certificate and apply in SSL/TLS.

Same certificate export and configure in the m



Resolved! External Dyanmic List Issue

We are planning to feed our Firewall with new EDL. This EDL using client Authentication with SSL certificate. I already imported the CA and Intermediate Certificate and created  Cert Profile. the issue is URL error access... I checked the traffic and


Resolved! Past PAN-OS version

Hi Community,


Is there a way to find out all the PAN-OS versions which were uploaded, installed and executed on a Palo Alto firewall in the past?


Guess this information is hidden somewhere on the TSF but have been unable to find where it´s stored.




HonoAl by L1 Bithead
  • 3 replies

Resolved! Content Update Issue



 I am trying to update my OSS PA but am receiving an error of "failed to update content with following message encfilesize."  I have tried different content versions and the result is the same.  The contents are transferred to the PA via SCP. 


COlson by L2 Linker
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