General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


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  1. Be Respectful: Treat fellow community members with professionalism and courtesy. Constructive discussion

JayGolf by Community Team Member
  • 0 replies

Ensuring a Safe and Secure Community: How You Can Help


Dear LIVEcommunity Members,


Ensuring a top-tier experience on LIVEcommunity and protecting our members’ safety and security is our top priority! To this end, we have implemented additional security measures to safeguard our vibrant global commun


jforsythe by Community Team Member
  • 0 replies

Resolved! Dual ISP with load balancing

We have a VM-200 firewall. We use this as our guest firewall.


We wish to load balance all traffic between two ISPs, both 200Mbps down/40Mpbs up. We have one /19 subnet for all clients.


Please let us know if we can do this with the firewall, or do we


ssassin by L1 Bithead
  • 2 replies

Palo Alto upgrade and download fail

Hi Everyone


May I ask one question for the appliance upgrade and system error message.


My appliance cannot install the any version PANOS even i tried install same version, ( current version is 8.0.7 )

it always sent me the message as below

also i tried


TysonLiu by L2 Linker
  • 3 replies

Resolved! Run MineMeld over HTTP

I'm in the process of running multiple MineMeld behind a server load balancer. I want the backend MineMeld servers to run the application over HTTP. The reason for this is I want to offload SSL from the servers. Currently, nginx redirects HTTP to HTT


nopsled by L0 Member
  • 8 replies

Resolved! Platform Upgrade to 3200 and 5200 series platforms

Lately a few customers are planning an upgrade from 3000  to the new 3200 and 5200. Often they run 7.1.x and the new platforms only support 8.1.x. Normally these are high sensitive environments and the request is to shift the existing configuration w


BatD by L4 Transporter
  • 8 replies

Resolved! I am unable to view traffic in monitor

I notice today with our Palo Alto devices. I can no longer monitor traffic on the monitoring tab using either the Traffic or URL Filtering options. I’m getting an error that states “Invalid XML response from server”. Do you know of a quick way that I


Resolved! Where does Critical Issue List go?

Hello Palo Alto,


I was using following link to check critical issues.


I can't access to it anymore. How can I collect the latest critical


emr_1 by L5 Sessionator
  • 4 replies

Upgrade for HA Pair

Hello, i am looking for some guidance on upgrading a non panorama setup of an Active/Passive HA pair of 3050s.  They are running code 7.1.6 and we would like to move to a later/latest release of 7.1.x


i have searched around but can only find a guide


Resolved! Recommended stable release for PAN-OS 8.0.x



I am planning on updating PAN-OS on our Panorama virtual machine and our two firewalls and would like to know what the most stable release for PAN-OS 8.0.x is? Any help with this query would be greatly appreciated.

Resolved! nt-autorität\anonymous-anmeldung

Hello Guys,
I have sometimes a problem with the user identification on the PA500. Our Users can only browse the internet with your AD-User. Sometime the User is lost on the PA. The User "nt-autorität\anonymous-anmeldung" is used? Why? How can I find a


Dual WAN (ONE ISP and MPLS link)

 Hello All,


Need your help/guidance on the following requirement


We have 2 WAN links, One ISP with Static public IP and  MPLS connection for Internal server access.


Requirement: 1) All the Internal users (Trust Zone) has to go through ISP Wan for Int


Sharan.k by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

Resolved! User-ID Agent exclusion list

Hi All


Is it good practice to exlude all server subnets in exclude list as I believe we are not interested in administrators to IP mapping for servers?


What could be the user cases for exlcude list on firewall and user-id-agent?

Resolved! User-ID based policies exclusion



I want to enable user-id features in all security policies. But I have a question, from users to Domain controller, I should not use user-id feature? as firewall does not know about user-ip mapping untill users are login to domain controller?



Resolved! Zscaler and Minemeld v2



I'm trying to get simple data from I tried to exploit the extractor with but really, I don't think I need an extractor here, just indicator "ip".

But it doesn't work :

age_out: defau...

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