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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Resolved! Test command does not work

Hello, team.

I have a problem.
I have a couple of users created for read mode administration of the Palo Alto Firewall Cluster (they are local users).

When I try to test the Test Authentication Server Connectivity (I follow the documentation to the le


Matlu_NN by L2 Linker
  • 15 replies

list for PAN IPSEc Error Codes?

Hi Community,


for a problem with IPSEC Tunnels I recently reviewed some ikemgr logs.

Those included some Error Codes(for example error Code 19).


I was just wondering if there exists a list with error codes and the explanation for those codes?

I searche


unable to access Palo Alto Web GUI.



After a recent update from 8.1.20 to 9.0.0, we are not able to access the Palo Alto web GUI (hmmm.. can't reach this page)

But we are able to ssh to the device though. We are updating the firmware to the latest version but now need to figure


DHCP Lease Issue

  • Device details:
    • Model - PA 3020
    • Software version - PAN OS – 8.1.3


  • Problem Description:
    • Please be informed that we are frequently encounter DHCP lease full (100%), and it cause interruption for our users at region side.
    • Customer side have two vlan for

Power supply unit for Paloalto PA-850

Hello everyone,


I have Palo alto PA-850 at my warehouse which needs the power supply unit replacement. My colleagues says it should be DPS-500WB-2 B model but a lot of suppliers says they have DPS-500WB-1 A and it's the legal replacement. But I cou


Oleg_a by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

PA VM Firewall

Hi All,

I have issues configuring eth1/2 in the VM firewall. I have configured eth1/1 as internet facing interface.

eth1/2 should be the MPLS facing interface. When checked on Vcenter the NIC is showing teh Mgmt interface IP and not the eth1/2. Tried


Log System setting

I want to set up messages to be sent to email Log Settings - Config 
I want every user who connects to the admin to receive an email no matter where the WAB or CLI or IP source comes from.

@filter builder

(severity eq informational) and (description c


Shalev by L1 Bithead
  • 9 replies

DHCP Interface Stuck

Hi All,

I have a situation where the Meraki sends error saying it cannot reach the internet which is connected to the PA and then to the Service provider's NTU. The NTU is providing DHCP connection to the PA's ethernet port.

No error message is seen


Pras by L4 Transporter
  • 1 replies

IP Wildcard mask for IPv6 adresses

Greetings! I am running a VM with PA-VM-KVM-11.0.0 and wanted to test the usage of "IP Wildcard Mask" addresses in Security Policy Rules.


The addresses I want to select look like



and "IP Wildcard mask" type for addresses s


frigault by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

Route to IPSec Tunnel

Hi All,

I need to add a route pointing to a Tunnel interface. As the peer has dynamic IP have created the IPsec tunnel with Dynamic IP Peer Identification as its Hostname.


To Add route in the VR as we do not have IP address if i just point it to th


Email Scheduler Not Working

Hi Team 


I am on panos 10.2.4 and having issues sending a test email via email scheduler via

Email profile has been configured and I can receive test emails but from the actual email schedulers I get a failed to send an email messa


nevolex by L3 Networker
  • 3 replies

Global Protect MFA with Google Authenticator

Dear Team, 


Please help me understand can we configure TOTP Google Authenticator(Free) for Global Project VPN users 

we have configured Global Protect VPN with AD authentication and want to configure the above solution.


Thanks in Advance 




issue when import APP & Threat file

Hi, i have an issue when i tried to import the App & threat file into my palo alto but it shows the following error,

Getting error "Failed to update content with following message: encfilesize is xxxx. No threat content update is applied. No valid Th


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