General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


GlobalProtect access to local LAN devices

I am fairly new to Palo Alto devices.  We are in the process of testing the GlobalProtect client and have set it up without split-tunneling.

I have confirmed this works for web browsing (get the PA NAT address), but we are still able to get to all lo


rgreens by L2 Linker
  • 11 replies

control SSL ciphers

Hello all,

Is it possible to deny/block inbound SSL flows - based on the SSL cipher parameter ? For example, deny SSL if the cipher is 128 bits ?

Maybe with a custom signature ?

Does anyone have an idea ?

Thanks you for your help,


PanOS 5 application dependancy


I have a question about the new PanOS 5 feature that's supposed to handle application dependancies automatically (or better). Do I need to enable this somewhere or configure it? I am running 5.0 and when commiting, it still reminds me about applic


Resolved! URL Filtering by group if user lives in multiple groups

Does anyone know of an elegant way to handle the following:

We'd like to use Active Directory groups to be able to allow some users access to certain URL categories that we block for most users. We have a default URL filtering profile that is the most


ccook by Not applicable
  • 5 replies

Resolved! URL filtering in PAN-OS5

Is there any information on this anywhere (ie the new PAN database, not Brightcloud)

Is there a list of  categories, and how do they map onto the Brightcloud categories?

How can I lookup what category a URL is in, and request a change if required?

Issues again with Brightcloud Services

On the 12th of November 2012, I am having issues again with Brightcloud not resolving websites from the cloud dB.  This has happened in the month of October 2012 as well.  The Brightcloud services cannot receive data as well.  All connections look ab


Multiple Captive Portal Settings

I know on top of my head that multiple captive portal profiles are not possible.  But was just wondering if there is or I might have missed something on how we can acheive this.

I want to set a captive portal for Group A to have 60mins of session and


Resolved! Policy migration question...

I am migrating from a port-based firewall to the PA and I want to put the application for all policies that cover inbound services instead of the ports.  I plan on temporarily doing a V-wire on the internet connection before the cutover to gather the


Rjschultz by Not applicable
  • 4 replies

Resolved! Cisco Telepresence test failing due to SDP being rewritten

We ran on our network to test Cisco WebEx Telepresence and it fails due to the following:


Your firewall is altering SIP messages and interfering with the proper operation of WebEx Telepresence.

What does this mean?

Your call


sconley by Not applicable
  • 2 replies

Resolved! Passive Mode in IPSec

Hello~  Guys~

I'd like to know Passive Mode in IPsec.

Anybody Help ME~~~

Thanks in advance.

Have a nice day~~~

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