General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


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JayGolf by Community Team Member
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Resolved! Global Protect message is CN name mismatch.

Hello everyone.

Global Protect message is "The certificate CN name mismatch, The certificate is not issued to x.x.x.x" when I connect GP.

I configure to import certificate that issurer is Go Daddy Secure CA.

Why does CN name mismatch???

Resolved! Reports

Hi everybody.


When I got the report from palo alto the following problem occurs ( b'    ' ).

This report is in PDF format and cannot be edited. There was an extract of the report before, but there was no such problem.

b'Risk'    b'Application'    b


Fagani by L2 Linker
  • 1 replies

Session count can't break 1025

Hi all, I am running a VM-series on aws and it has a issue with session, it's cannot break 1025. I'm new to Palo Alto so there are many term i really don't understand. Some body please tell me what is Active Session? Is it Session count on UI? Why ca


ahcogn1 by L0 Member
  • 5 replies

Resolved! Dual IPSEC tunnels load balanced between two endpoints

Is there a way to setup TWO IPsec tunnels using different paths (for instance, two different ISP's) and have them share the traffic load between the two vs having a primary and backup?


I'm aware we can setup two tunnels and use path monitoring to f


Resolved! Cortex XDR Cloud Identity Engine Integration

We have planned the configuration of the Cortex XDR Cloud Identity Engine for our on-premises service. Could you please tell me whether the Cloud Identity Engine agent should be installed on the AD server or on a separate (NEW) server? What is the be


Resolved! Custom App-ID iMessage


We have recently installed a PA-2020 at our college and am very happy with the device. The only issue we are having is that students are still able to use iMessage on their iPads. I can't find an existing app-id for that and am wondering if anyone


Rowan_C by Not applicable
  • 6 replies

Resolved! UserID/Group mapping

I have created a LDAP profile, group mapping and user mapping from Panorama, and it seems to be working.

Im able to do "test authentication username authentication-profile xxxxxx-LDAP password and this works fine.


My prob


Website marked as phishing



Our backend website ""was flagged as "phishing" by PaloAlto. May you change this categorization, please? We've already requested this change thorough to "Health-and-Medicine". "k


Resolved! Palo Alto API for End of Life services.


Any aware if Palo Alto provides any API's which can help with End of Life dates? e.g. check for a device by serial number, by model number, check for the PAN OS version etc.




DNS Security checks for records different than A



Does DNS Security checks DNS records other than A and how it works ? I think CNAME are checked as they are similar to A in meaning of request content.  How about other records like PTR and TXT as they can be used more frequently for C2 traffic?


OIDS differents on HA A\P nodes

Dear Team, I have a suggestion. Where can I find more information about OIDS of HA peers. I need some claryfication about, can this OIDS be different on HA Active Passive.


I have two PA 5220, A\P. Pan-OS version is 10.1.10-h1.


Need some advice.



Limit Hub and Spoke PA 460

We have done the creation of a tunnel (VPN) as hub and spoke, currently we will connect 203 devices to this tunnel, we have been researching but we have not found information on how many peers this tunnel can support with this hub and spoke configura


Resolved! Push is grayed out

Hi Login Banner and System Log are created and commited in Panorama. and then click on Push button on top right corner. I got the below window. Why the Bush is grayed out? Is there something needed to completed before the Push? Thank you




kevinospf by L3 Networker
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