General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


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JayGolf by Community Team Member
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Threats log for denied packets

Dear all,

I currently have a generic rule which blocks netbios-like traffic to and from internet with a simple deny. As this traffic is very likely to be malware generated (at least in my context) I have enabled a simple alert-only antivirus profile o


x-forwarded-for and User Identificaton

We have configured x-forwarded-for flagging along with the User Identification.

Traffic logs from a tap upstream of a (squid) proxy carry the x-forwarded-for flag, but the IP is not resolved to a user.

Is this expected behaviour? (i.e. is ip-to-user tr


User-ID not detecting logged off users?

I have the User-ID agent configured and working nicely, however I just noticed a few entries in the URL logs showing for the domain user who last logged on to one of our PC's when I know that the PC is currently logged on using a local account rather


SSL Forward Decryption - Understanding Override

I'm looking at the pros and cons of enabling forward decryption.  I noticed there's an "Are you happy to continue" over-ride option but it's global i.e. it's simply on or off.

I assume this won't play nice with any non-browser based https downloads?



Which variables are allowed in response pages?

According to Custom-Block-Pages-TN-revB.pdf the variables available are:


Where <pan_form/> can only be used for captive portal and url filtering continue and override page.

But what about the others?


rps by L3 Networker
  • 1 replies

Resolved! UIA

How to download User Identification Agent ?

Can a PA replace data in a stream?

PA have support for datafiltering but is it possible to also, when a rule is triggered, to replace the data and pass it through?

Like exchanging "User-Agent:" in all http-requests (where User-Agent exists in the header) into a common User-Agent string


rps by L3 Networker
  • 1 replies

Resolved! User Identification Agent with Active Directory

I know that PA Firewall uses MGT interface to connect to user Identification Agent, I know that most of the other services can be set to use any other interface with the "Service Route Configuration" commands.

Is there any method to use any other inte


Resolved! Logging - Best Practise?

What is considered "best practise" to get useful logfiles should the need arise to go through them?

The default seems to be CSV of source and destination IP/User but, for example, how would I get the URL visited since 99% of the time that is the bit w


False Positives problem of anti-virus


I received a virus block message (  Client-IRC/IRC.mirc.0113 ) when I entering the following URL:

But this file was passed by other virus scan software (Sophos).

Was It a false positive or not


Resolved! Creating Custom Applications - Dummies Guide?

Is there a dummies guide to creating custom application please?

We have a couple of "in-house" apps that always pass traffic on certain ports, always to/from a certain IP range, and I'm struggling to see how to put "something" in place that says "If t


Dynamic Update Failing

With in Pano and direct on 3 PAN devices - I am receiving the below error when attempting to download yesterday's threat update.  I am going to try a manual upload.  This is the first time this has event has occured.  Are there any issues with downlo


CRHC by L4 Transporter
  • 5 replies

Simply correlate theats and URL's

I'm surfing throgh differents threats (virus,spyware,etc) in the monitor windows and in some cases I find out in the other filed the URL wher it came from otherwise moslty of the time I just see the source/destination IP.

My question: is possible to c


asecus by Not applicable
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