General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


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  1. Be Respectful: Treat fellow community members with professionalism and courtesy. Constructive discussion

JayGolf by Community Team Member
  • 0 replies

Route to IPSec Tunnel

Hi All,

I need to add a route pointing to a Tunnel interface. As the peer has dynamic IP have created the IPsec tunnel with Dynamic IP Peer Identification as its Hostname.


To Add route in the VR as we do not have IP address if i just point it to th


Email Scheduler Not Working

Hi Team 


I am on panos 10.2.4 and having issues sending a test email via email scheduler via

Email profile has been configured and I can receive test emails but from the actual email schedulers I get a failed to send an email messa


nevolex by L3 Networker
  • 3 replies

Global Protect MFA with Google Authenticator

Dear Team, 


Please help me understand can we configure TOTP Google Authenticator(Free) for Global Project VPN users 

we have configured Global Protect VPN with AD authentication and want to configure the above solution.


Thanks in Advance 




issue when import APP & Threat file

Hi, i have an issue when i tried to import the App & threat file into my palo alto but it shows the following error,

Getting error "Failed to update content with following message: encfilesize is xxxx. No threat content update is applied. No valid Th


High temperature DP0 CORE PALO ALTO PA5220

Hello team


Since 2 weeks ago we have detected that the temperature for Sensor DP0 Core is high than other members the Paloalto FW


It is normal?


show system environmentals

Slot Description Alarm Degrees C Min C Max C
S0 Temperature


Alpalo by L4 Transporter
  • 7 replies

Invalid Role - RADIUS



Am troubleshooting PA authentication using RADIUS. The user is part of the appropriate AD group for the RADIUS configuration and the PA and RADIUS server are both setup for RADIUS auth.


On the PA side, added an administrator and set their


SDorsey by L4 Transporter
  • 8 replies

Resolved! CSRF Protection

GlobalProtect portal page isn't protected by anti-CSRF tokens. Is it possible to add this protection?


 I am in the process of setting up LDAPS on an 850. I created an LDAPS server profile and pinted it to our server for credentials. Aftr creating that, I set up an Authentication profile and Authentication sequence (wasnt sure if it was needed but the


NCR saving passwords with MD5 hashing



was wondering if someone could tell me if there's a way of changing the hashing method when passwords are saved in Palo Alto. I can see from 2010 the method is MD5 and we are also dealing with an NCR stating the same, but I can't see anywhere thi


Ian_Rix by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

problems with LACP

Hello, I am trying to set up a LACP between a palo alto 3220 ztp firewall and a DELL switch, I have the following problem, it does not set up the LACP.


admin@PA-3220-ZTP> show lacp aggregate-ethernet all




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