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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Resolved! ctd-agent-connection error

Dear Team,


The following error is occurring in the firewall


type : ctd-agent

severity : high

event : ctd-agent-connection

description : Failed to establish GRPC connection to service : failed to start grpc connection with address -----


I would


Hip profile cannot check process

Hello all,

Hope you are doing well!

Currently, we are checking the process through Hip profile setting.

However, some PCs are facing an issue where the Process Check information list is not displayed.

I checked the HIP Object settings and found that th


Failed to update threatss&apps

I have a Paloalto cluster and in the active FW I get the following error when trying to download and install the dynamic updates.

Anybody can helps me?



Alpalo by L4 Transporter
  • 1 replies

Mobile device traffic - source users

Mobile users connect to wifi through to active directory authentication but in log-trafic- source users name not showing.

(For laptop/desktop source users showing perfectly- this authentication also through AD)




PDF Report outlook missing attachment

Hi, my firewall is set to send PDF reports daily, attachments are usually not visible when receiving emails using Outlook.


I tested sending reports to Gmail, but I can't see attachments when I use Outlook to receive emails. But you can see in the w


PNG File Chunk Length Abnormal

A strange trend we're seeing the application ms-update return a threat of:  

PNG File Chunk Length Abnormal


It's been occurring since June and the png files related to the threat are named:







jr_dot by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

Is A2 (Auto Assistant) dead?



Today, I could not access A2 (Auto Assistant).

When I access,

returned 504 Gateway Time-out.



A2 is very helpful for my customer support business.


Thank you.

Mt_103 by L2 Linker
  • 13 replies

Are there performance issues due to object groups?

Hello all,

As shown in the attached photo below, the limit on the number of members in the address group of PA-3220 is 2500.

1. We are going to apply about 2000 Object Members per address Group to the PA-3220, is there any performance issue? If there w


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