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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Blocking all files upload



Anyone has ever figured out how to block any inside hosts to upload any kind of file outside, but still allowing web browsing? The file blocking option support only specific type of files... and the APP-ID database doesn't have any king of basic


Fan Alarm



I have an issue with PA-5220 FAN  the LED indicator is red.



when I check the system environmental logs below is the result:-



Do I need to change the FAN or any troubleshooting steps for this?





community version of MineMeld.

I am new to MineMeld time and the first day.   I have only download and install MineMeld on a VM and configured it successfully. I don't know what AutoFocus is, so I don't think I am using it. so I am using the community version of MindMeld. 

In foll


WillieW by L0 Member
  • 0 replies

Resolved! Showing Active Debugs

Hi All,



I come from a Cisco background and now getting to play with PAs  I have a few queries around debugging from CLI.


Can we debug multiple different protocols at the same time, e.g Phase 1, 2 for VPNs, maybe some ARP resolution at the same time


GlobalProtect with machine cert


I'm having a challenge with GlobalProtect when trying to do ldap authentication with a machine cert (from internal MS pki).  I've tried both the computer and workstation authentication template, but neither worked.  GlobalProtect states certificat


ce1028 by L4 Transporter
  • 6 replies

Resolved! PAN self-cleanup

Does all the partitions showing below has self cleaning Capabilities or there is a need to manually clear those files like for eg I know old downloaded software can be deleted to free some space from  panrepo partition?


Filesystem Size Used Avail Use


Resolved! Want detach Gateway from Panorama

Hello team,


We have around 10 HA cluster managed through Panorama. now we need to detach/remove one HA cluster from it. Please guide me on the steps to be followed without creating any impact on production.


Also please confirm if it need downtime.



BK0007 by L2 Linker
  • 4 replies

Panorama M-100 Hardware vs installing in ESXi

Hey Everyone,

My company is looking at implementing Panorama to update and monitor the other firewalls we have at other locations.  Does anyone recommend the Hardware like the M-100 over just installing it on a server using ESXi?  


Thank you!

2X of PA820 Active/ Passive Design question

Hi All


After some advice, planning to have 2 X PA820 pairs of Active/ Passives, Inner and outer firewalls protecting some internal networks.


See the diagram, Does the HA2 link pass data plane traffic at all?  Or can it?


There could be a scenario that



Global Protect Policy enforcement

Hi All ,


I have an issue


Is there a way to use Global Protect to  enforce web or URL  filtering policies when users are not on the corporate LAN ?  for now, when users work remotely , they bypass all web and  URL filtering and security policies and d


Remove HA config from template of managed firewall pair


i have a pair of active-standby firewalls, managed by Panorama. My first attempt, when i imported those to panorama, i pushed one template to both firewalls and had issue with HA IPs, causing split brain.

I recovered the firewalls and later importe


josggf by L2 Linker
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