General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Resolved! how to unblock this sub-url?

I have a URL filtering list with * in custom blocklist. but I want to allow one specific sub-url .

added the sub-url to the custome allow list but didn't work. I'm assuming because of the url filtering order of prefer


change standalone node to HA

I have Standalone PA 3020 up and running , is being manged by Panorama and now I need to add another PA 3020 to bring in High Availability.

Please help me with the steps that I should follow.


In Panorama We have template stack and Device group for alr


GTP & SCTP Protection

Can someone in this forum tell me about GTP & SCTP Protection features?  Is there any deployment reference for GTP & SCTP feature?Can we only inspect GTP-C (Control Plane) only?

Resolved! Polling Error with Miner

Hello I was wondering, I was trying to fix one of my miners that the URL seems non-existant. The URL is from Palo Alto :

I was wondering if any of you found the new URL to which it could be moved, I



Minemeld Installation OVA + ISO : LiveCD or removable?

Hi everyone,


I want to install Minemeld following the official tutorial [1] that uses an Ubuntu OVA + MineMeld ISO that installs the software during the first boot. My question is if that ISO can be removed after first boot and the consecuent install


Azure Datacenter IP Dynamic List Issues

Hi all,


We have the azure_cloudIPS miner, processor and outpur  working and can view the list of IPs via the link (  We have simplar feeds setup of Office365.  However, the on teh PaloAlto, the dynamic l


DIzzard by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

Advise on using AD user-id in local PA groups?

I am struggling with utilizing ActiveDirectory groups in firewall policy. My concern is then our AD administrators have control over transversing our firewall policy. Generally speaking say for example we have a FW policy setup where AD group ServerA


zthiel by L2 Linker
  • 3 replies

Resolved! User-ID Proof Of Concept - With Proxy

Good afternoon Team,


Pardon my stupidity here. I'm running a PoC at the minute and customer is keen on the User-ID aspect. However, the have most of their users behind a proxy.


We have configured the PoC in standard TAP, with LDAP server profile etc


One to one NAT mapping for many to many

Sonicwalls have a setting that allow a /24 subnet being natted to a different /24 subnet to get mapped on a one to one basis. 


Example, will get bidirectionally natted to, will get bidirectionally natted to 10.0.0.


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