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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


MM_CONFIG_DIR and side-loading of credentials

Is the MM_CONFIG_DIR pre-set?   I used my admittedly limited Ubuntu knowledge to check inside the engine process and it doesn't appear to be there.    I see the variable used in many/all miners for storage of password and client certificates.





Hi all,


I have the way to get feeds from ISAC with a TAXII prototype and I want to share with you all. Proabably it can help someone.


Firstly it's necessary to import the minemeld-taxii-ng extension on system>extensions and install extension from git


Xavi_Gil by L0 Member
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Resolved! How to enable API access for Minemeld

I have been working on syncing a manual localDB miner list via this Python script (  When I use it, I get 'Unauthorized' when trying to access /status/minemeld.  If I manually authe


hbiglin by L0 Member
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Why do i need to link a VR to a Vsys?

Hi all,


I'm using a PA-3020 device configured with multiple Vsys and when creating a Vsys I have the ability to assign a specific VR.

From my understanding, the connection between a Vsys to a VR is based on the Vsys connected interfaces to the VR much


Resolved! wlc monility and EoIp traffic

Hello All,


I have WLC and anchor-WLC with PA firewall in between, I have rule allowing EoIP and wlc-mobility APPs with application-default service selected, I don't see on monitor tab any single packet logged, even though I know for sure it is there,


evdanil by L1 Bithead
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Creating Minemeld IPv4 Lists

I'm a newbie with Minemeld and Autofocus.


I'm looking to create a Minemeld Miner that will maintain IPv4 Whitelist based on an AWS Site that is load balancing and/or using DNS Round Robin.

The CDN that we're pulling data from lives in AWS and IP Addre


Resolved! What are you using to implement SNMPv3?

I'm taking on the task of setting up SNMPv3 on a firewall but will be starting from scratch with no tools, programs, scripts, etc. in place so I have a lot of flexibility (and also a lot of work ahead). I won't be doing traps but mostly looking at CP


Email Alert Formatting - PanOS 8.0

I'm looking to make my email alerts more readable, especially for certain cases where rapid response is key. I have log forwarding configured and all, but the defaults contain way too much information. If possible I'd like to add some custom verbage,


magates by L2 Linker
  • 1 replies

Adding additional public IP range

Hi all - I've been having a bit of trouble getting this to work - I've done it on Cisco & Sonicwall boxes before, but this is my first PA 3020.  We were just assigned additional public IP addresses by our ISP. The existing block is 206.x.x.x/29 and t


bwade by L0 Member
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