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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


WildFire Alerts



Is it possible that Wildfire sent me alert information from other companies?


because I see events in the console



Resolved! PA firewall is not forwarding logs to Splunk indexer

Hi Dears, 


I have a issue regarding the log forwarding. 


Paloalto logs are forwarded to splunk SIEM in our environment. We were running panos 8.0.10 and the log forwarding was working as expected. Recently we upgraded to version 8.0.12 which is a TAC


Resolved! Can't create Nat rule using more than one source address

Hi all,


I'm trying to create Nat rule for source translate when the source is address group and it will not be bi-directional.


The address group include 2 address from objects.

The source translate is Static-IP tried to put object and specifric IP add


Nat rule error.jpg
SShnap by L3 Networker
  • 6 replies

Resolved! Autofocus Mindmeld whitelist microsoft

I'm running into an issue where I can pull in indicators from autofocus by creating a minemeld miner, the only problem is that I am getting a lot of and domains in the list.  I've had the search from autofocus entered as mal


Sec101 by L4 Transporter
  • 4 replies

User-ID Agent

I have the User-ID agent on one of my domain controllers and I have the firewalls set to get the ID from that and it gets some ID's but doesnt seem to get all. So I thought maybe add active directory and exchange server monitoring. 


But I get errors


dstjames by L2 Linker
  • 2 replies

To force client to switch to internal network

Hello all

we have mobile clients with GP which use corporate notebooks at home .It was configured user logon option to force the notebook to connect through GP when it connects to home WI-FI


When the same worker comes back to workplace and plugged in


Radmin_85 by L4 Transporter
  • 22 replies

Installation Problem - Ansible

I'm trying to build a new Minemeld box on a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04 (also tried Centos too) and wehn I run the ansible installer I get to a poin tthen the installer fails with this output, any ideas what's wrong?


FWIW, I've tried installing a


ethiSEC by L2 Linker
  • 12 replies

Resolved! mapping issue

Good Day to everyone.

I have this issue almost every day. It doesn't happen with all users at one time.

After restart, everything is working as it should work.

I have probe enabled(20 minutes) and Enable User Identification Timeout(720 minutes).

What can


facebook palo alto issue.jpg

Resolved! URL Filtering

I changed some rules around to secure things a little more. I need to allow Netflix/YouTube either by user or subnet because it is now blocked with my changes. What is best practice to create a new policy to do so? I currently have a staff and studen


Resolved! celery-worker 100% cpu usage



I've had 100% CPU usage from the celery-worker processes for a few weeks now, I spent some time trying to resolve this but without resolution.


I'm using a standard Ubuntu 14 appliance build.


The issue is a looping of emerging threats downloa


Regex expressions/appending to output txt



I'm fairly new to Minemeld so trying to figure out a few things I seem to be stuck on. We currently pull Office365 URLs into Panorama as an EDL and I am trying to append a \ to the end of every URL in the EDL within Minemeld. I went over the do


MoeJomha by L0 Member
  • 0 replies

Importing o365-api-any-any.txt

I'm trying to append o365-api-any-any.txt to my existing config.


The top 5 miners are displaying a red x thus I can't append them. If I remove them I can append however then I can't commit as they're missing.


What am I doing wrong? Sorry, new to mine


Chad00 by L0 Member
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