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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Need to enable Multicast on Site to site IPsec Tunnel


I am working for a product based company, Our Company products will work on Multicasting. usually most of our clients are using Cisco and Juniper equipment . Recently we got a new client and where they want to deploy Palo alto firewalls on multiple


suppind1 by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

External Dynamic Lists not working

Hi all,


I have configured EDL of type Dynamic URL Lists with the next configuration



Then in URL filtering profile the ransomwaretracker_URL category is configured as BLOCK and the Profile is applied in the Security rule.


It seems configured correctl


COMIP by L2 Linker
  • 16 replies

Resolved! credential tab missing in user id agent 8.0.5-7

I'm unable to find credintial tab in user id agent. I have downloaded these files UaInstall-8.0.5-7 & UaCredInstall64-8.0.5-7 and installed, both service are also running.

Any one faced this issue? or please let me know how to troubleshoot this issue.



Inbound Decryption Advice to overcome Decrypt error

I am asking for help to get SSL Inbound decryption working. I have read all the posts and tried everything I can think of but I keep getting the decrypt error status so I may have a basic misunderstanding. If someone has an insight into what I am doi



Resolved! DHCPv6 client support?

Is there an option to have the PA act as DHCPv6 client (DHCPv4 client on an interface is obviously supported)?

I get a /56 prefix from my provider and my DSL router offers me the option to assign a /64 prefix via DHCPv6 (IA_PD), but I cannot find an o


ctr_ts by L1 Bithead
  • 2 replies

Minemeld PA syslog processing



I installed Minemeld. I'm now trying to mine the PA traffic logs via syslog. It seems that the processing works but no indicators are extracted? The PA is running 7.1.13 and sending the syslog messages on TCP port 13514 to the Minemeld server.


jorisVD by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

Decent IPv6 miner

Hello all, We use MineMeld with our PA firewalls at work, so I thought I'd try it at home as well, and it was easy to integrate with my OpenBSD PF firewall. Lots of high-quality IPv4 address and subnets to block! However, I also run IPv6 at home and


Resolved! DAGPusher - Add device - Is vsys supported?

In a Dagpusher output, I see the VSYS as a column, but when adding device there is no input field for VSYS.  



I checked the code on GitHub for the file at: minemeld-webui/src/app/nodedetail/dagpusher.controller.ts


Seems like maybe the VSYS is n


PA 3050 Logged in user web filtering

Hi , ive got a 2 PA 3050's running well , however sometimes they seem to fail to detect the user thats currently logged in and then it follows the sert rules to allow then a "Student-level" web filtering rules whereby shopping , and social media etc


VICO88 by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

How PAN firewall deals with deceptive or invalid URL ?

Users in my  organization received spam email with embeded link URL like 

  When I check  URL category in PA test URL website it says 
"http://いい中古車.com" is not a valid URL.
 What are the option to block this other than adding it in Bl

Fail over with SRV records

I know this isn't really a question for PaloAlto but I was hoping I might get some insight from the community.
We are looking at acquiring a second circuit from a different ISP for a backup failover, not load balancing. I have been studying SRV record


Bvance by L2 Linker
  • 1 replies

Problem w/ user ID

Hi Gurus,


I'm trying to implement user id agentless.

The LDAP & User Identification are created correctly.


Below is the output:

J-C.Valiere.da@PA_Ecore_Master> show user group list

cn=vpn ecore employee,ou=roles,ou=global,ou=organization,dc=corp,dc=ecor


Resolved! Customizing response page

First time doing this and I'm fairly familiar with HTML and CSS however I'm not sure how to target Subcategories

Is there a way to target Subcategories when using a custom response page?


The online documentation only mentions <category/>


also do you u


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