General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Anti Spyware best practice

Hi there,


I wonder what's best practice in oder to identify theats via the Anti Spyware function. Most of the connections today are encrypted, so using the Anti Spyware function without ssl/tls decryption seems not to be a big security improvement.




Netzer by L2 Linker
  • 1 replies



Having a PA820 with valid license and support.

I am looking for official documentation to see if its possible to transfer my valid license to a second hand device purchased online.

I m in Europe, device can be purchased from Europe as well as America


TuncayG by L0 Member
  • 3 replies

Configuration Log Report once a day?

Hey Folks,

well i would like to forward Configuration Logs in a Daily Overview. Same like if i configure "Device --> Log Settings --> Configuration". But i don`t want to send every single entry, instead i would like to have a schedule for "config chan


Resolved! BGP backdoor

Hi All,


In my setup, i have the use case where i need to prefer an IGP over eBGP route. One of my objectives is to try not to change BGP AD. In Cisco routers there is a feature known as BGP backdoor which allows you to prefer an IGP route over eBGP r


IPV4 to IPV6 Internet not working

IPV4 to IPV6 Internet not working
We are facing an issue accessing the internet. we have an IPV6 internet connection. we want to access the IPV6 ISP link from the IPV4 LAN subnet. we have created the source NAT policy using NAT64. but unable to acces

Resolved! Netflow & 3200 Series

We need clarification if our 3260 firewall requires an L3 interface for Netflow exports. The link below, "HOW TO VERIFY AND TROUBLESHOOT NETFLOW," states a 3200 series cannot use the mgmt interface, but I can't find any other sources that state the m


Resolved! How to view threats, blocked activity over time

I am trying to understand how to view threats, malicious IPs, etc over time. For instance in the ACC tab I understand one can view threats, threat source IPs etc. I am not seeing how to view trends, for example if we want to see if there has been an


ccfritz by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

GP users are getting denied random times

I have global protect v5.0.5 deployed to all Corporate Windows and some users reported that when they work everything stop to work and suddenly after 5-10 minutes is back again without disconnecting them from the global protect .This happen random ti


using NAT to "change subnets"

Hello community,


I have what I think is an odd use case for NAT but am curious if it would work.

We are readdressing our campus and have a series of vending devices with no way to change the static IPs. All of those devices need to "move" to another s


mnaylor by L1 Bithead
  • 9 replies

Changing the IP Address of Panorama

Hi Gang,


We need to change the management IP address of Panorama due to a complete change in our network. It runs in, Panorama mode, and manages several firewall pairs (which forward their logs to Panorama).


My questions is:

  1. Is it as easy as changing

Log Collector Status

Hello -

From local firewall Device > Management > Logging and Reporting Settings > Log Collector Status > Show Status it says that there is an error for Device Connectivity


All of my logging is working just fine though.  Is this just a bug?

From comman



Scheduled Log Export based on custom queries

Is there any option to schedule custom traffic reports based on custom queries and to get it exported automatically .?

Currently, we are exporting the traffic logs manually from  Monitor > Logs >Traffic and pasting the queries ( some of the sample que


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