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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


GlobalProtect Xauth for iPhone and Android


We have setup GlobalProtect Portal and Gateway working perfectly with SAML auth on MacBook Pro and Windows laptop.  


The only issue is, GlobalProtect Mobile app is not available in our app stores.  So I'm looking for setting up IPSEC Xauth on PAN so


ZhenGuo by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Implementing SSL Forward Proxy

I have a problem!!, I'm implementing SSL Forward Proxy, all the guides say I have to install the certificate in all the clients, isn't there an alternative to this? I have a lot of visitors and I shouldn't have to install a certificate.

I used to have


Need Help deleting files on PAN /dev/sda8 and /dev/root

Hi All,

Need help on how to free up spaces on the below partitions on my PAN device, support cannot seem to figure this out. Please help..


Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 4.0G 3.4G 407M 90% /
none 4.0G 56K 4.0G 1% /dev
/dev/sda5 24G


sokonta by L2 Linker
  • 1 replies

install PanHandler on Windows 10 system.

Published install instructions for PanHandler are for MAC and Linux systems.  I run Windows.  Here is how I installed PanHandler on my Windows 10 system.


Install Docker for Windows from the Docker Hub --


"source user" empty in monitor log

I'm looking at an old version 7 PA3000 which uses a user-id agent to map users (active directory) to IP addresses.

When i log onto the firewall CLI  a "show user ip-user-mapping-mp all" command returns what looks to be a valid list of user mappings. 


Resolved! Questions about deploying serverfarm FW


Currently, every server is behind trust zone, so I can't control traffic from trust user or server to server by FW.


I have two options

 1 attach server farm switch to edge firewall

 2 deploy new FW in front of server farm switch


Which is more com


yhlee1 by L2 Linker
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Disable Cipher Suite

As of the pen test via SSL LAB  i was observed that less secure ciphers like DES, RC4 were supported by global protect portal ,so that i have disable the all the weak cipher suite and it's successfully done but the when i disable CBC-256 Suite when i



Strange behaviour of HA pair active passive

Today i've noticed a strange behaviour of HA pair of Pa820 (panos 8.1.6) in Active passive configuration.

In the dashboard page i've noticed the running config not in sync with peer.

So i checked the differences with the diff button and i discovered th


Padmin7 by L0 Member
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